Men's Ministry


Sunday School 10:00 AM ~ Sunday Worship 11:00 AM

The Joshua Men's Ministry

Joshua, we all know from the Battle of Jericho.  Joshua’s character was a man of faith, courage, advancement, obedience, leadership, worship, love, and spiritual influence.  Joshua, along with Caleb, was the minority report in moving into Canaan, and as a result, God choose him as the next leader of the children of Israel.

Throughout God's word, you see many men in ministry work representing the Kingdom.  Not all men are called to leadership like Joshua however, all men are created in God's image, and those who follow Christ will have the attributes of faith, courage, advancement, obedience, worship, and spiritual influence.  The focus is family, not only the church family but their family "leading" with the same spirit as Joshua.  Yes, challenges will be present, but just like God selected Joshua, he has selected our men.  Men that when many are saying no, we can't do it, face challenges, and are looking back, the Joshua Men's Ministry, together, are full of faith and advancing forward with a declaration of "we are well able".

Joshua Men's Ministry knows the importance of obedience to God.  This obedience is within their family first.  They know, no matter how many battles, challenges, victories, and walls that come down, their hearts individually and collectively hold fast to Joshua 24:15b.  "but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (KJV)

Joshua Men's Ministry serving the Lord is focused on God’s people and being a spiritual influence, as God's children are precious to him, and he wants them physically and spiritually safe.  God seeks men with the character of Joshua, not seeking titles but ready to serve and willing to face the challenges with God to move the people in the direction God has instructed, working with the Pastor to ensure God’s order is carried out.  

Joshua Men's Ministry is men of prayer, studying of God's word, and are disciples of Christ, developing in discipline so they can walk in duty.  The men know, that all are not perfect at this but daily growing in a walk of Christ.  

All men who join this family, become a part of the Joshua Men's Ministry different assignments within the family but are full of faith, courage, advancement, obedience, leadership, worship, love, and spiritual influence in fellowship with each other.

"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."  Joshua 1:9


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