Women's Ministry


Sunday School 10:00 AM ~ Sunday Worship 11:00 AM

The Ester Women's Ministry

Ester Women's Ministry.  A woman in ministry is not only serving in the kitchen or teaching the kids.  Throughout the Bible, there have been women in key roles doing the will of our Heavenly Father, and in the walk of Christ.  The woman mentioned below had challenges, setbacks, issues, disappointments, and life-altering circumstances but they also had courage, wisdom, faith, strength, love, and patience, 

Ester had the courage, and boldness to speak up, believed in fasting & praying, was obedient, listen to wisdom, saved her family/people, was a leader, and most important God used her. 

We say often, God can use who he pleases, we encourage the women in Christ... let God use YOU!  Stay in faith, listen and recognize God's voice, be obedient, study God’s word, stay in prayer, be kind in boldness, have courage, and don't shy from leadership.  Be a vessel that God can work in, and work through.  Let your light shine! 


"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."  Matthew 5:16

  • Sarah - The wife of Abraham, is an example that God keeps his promise. (Genesis 17)
  • Rachel - Waited patiently for the love of her life, Jacob. Though childless initially, she became the mother to Joseph, who by God’s strength single-handedly saved all of Israel (Genesis 30)
  • Rahab - A prostitute, who had the courage to hide two spies, saving them and her family.  Also, listed in the roll call of faith. (Joshua 2)
  • Deborah - A prophetess and judge, leader of the Israelites in the victory over the Canaanites.  (Judges 4)
  • Ruth - A widow, made her own decision of faith that changed her life.  Married Boaz, and as result in the lineage of the Messiah (Ruth 1)
  • Ester - Queen, and as a vessel of God was a strategic leader who saved her people (Esther 9)
  • Mary - The Mother of Jesus. Women are the vessels that God uses, to birth future leaders who can make a great impact in the family, neighborhoods, schools, communities, states, the nation, or the world. (Matthew 1)
  • Mary Magdalene - Delivered of unclean spirits, and became a devote follower of Christ. Mary, was the first witness of the empty tomb and messenger of the resurrection (Matthew 28, Luke 8)
  • Priscilla - A church leader, active in ministry.  She and her husband, Aquila, led the church in maintaining theological purity, (Acts 18)

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