Y.K.T. ministry


Sunday School 10:00 AM ~ Sunday Worship 11:00 AM

Y.K.T.   Youth in Kingdom Training

We want all of our youth to know Jesus Christ and to find their ultimate joy and satisfaction in Him. We work on not only teaching bible stories but the lesson of that story.  We empower our youth, and teens to understand Kingdom standards.  Most importantly we encourage them in life application, that is to use their learnings at home, at school, in the community, and in sports. We know that youth face many challenges today, just as adults do, and their learning of God's word is as important as learning their school lessons.  Balance is important, youth are growing and by God's love and grace, they are developing day by day, to reflect Christ.

  • Kingdom Training: - Being taught the principles and not just the duties.  This is not just training on how to sing in the choir, how to usher or do what a deacon does.  This training is focused on recognizing Kingdom principles and character that reflects the King, who is Jesus Christ. 
  • Kingdom Mentors - Those who know the Kingdom principles and are advocates in training youth to walk in them.  They are an example to follow, not perfect, can be asked for guidance, and they continue to study & learning the Kingdom way for themselves.
  • Kingdom Principles - are what we strive to stay focused on, as Mentors in training our youth.  We are reminded daily, as we interact with each other of these principles.  It benefits us in improving our Christ-like mindset toward others at school, work, community, church, and with family

(Our Kingdom Mentors:  Rose Peters, Lue Lewis, Tiffany Taylor-Pipes, Jana Hudson, Alice Lesure, Shauna McCoy, Chakita Gordan, and Tuwanda Peters)

Our Foundation Scriptures:

"I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."  John 17:15

Evil can manifest in so many ways. When we think of evil it's not just drugs, or gangs but low self-esteem, no confidence, no encouragement, no love, no support, bullies, social media, etc. Evil impacts our thoughts, which will guide our actions. Evil, the main purpose is to destroy and tear down. This scripture is a foundation for our youth, and as Kingdom Mentors, we stay in prayer as they face the challenges of today.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  Philippians 4:13

We love this scripture!  It is filled with so much encouragement.  Youth are created in God’s image, meaning they have so much potential and they CAN DO IT!  We work closely with parents, in knowing what is happening in schools, in sports, and at home, so we may tag-team together in encouragement.  We share, that you may fail but don’t give up trying, and always remember you never lose, our youth win and learn.  

Keep an eye on our Events page to see upcoming events for the youth of Mt Zion Baptist Church.

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